It is with the utmost enthusiasm that we have been forced to increase our production and assembly capacity due to the strong growth we have seen.
With this investment, we seek to increase our production area and improve logistical and warehouse processes, in order to provide an increasingly efficient response to our customers.
Our facilities, which until now covered an area of 14 000 square meters, will increase by another 4 500 square meters. In total, we will reach an area of 18 500 square meters.
“The company is living a moment of evolution” explains André Viana, Founder and CEO of Motorline, who believes that the increase in facilities “is a necessary investment for continuous improvement, depending on immediate needs”.
André Viana adds: “Motorline is a team of capable and professional people, who will do everything for this company to evolve and become even bigger and better. If we continue to grow at this rate, in the short term we will need even more space.”
Despite the fact that these last few years have been atypical, due to the pandemic, we have always managed to achieve positive results and with a 20% annual growth.